- Mask Requirement
- What we are doing
- What you can do
- Operational Changes
- Need a Mask, Take a Mask
- Coronavirus
Masks Requirement Suspended
On April 18, 2022, the order requiring masks on public transportation and at transportation hubs is no longer in effect. The CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time.
Mask Mandate Extended through April 18, 2022
On April 13, 2022, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) extended the mask requirement for anyone utilizing all modes of public transportation through May 3, 2022. As a result, riders must continue to wear face masks when entering any GCRTA Transit Center, Train Station, our Main Office Building, while riding the bus or train and while waiting inside bus shelters.
Masks are not required when waiting outside, in an open air area at Transit Centers or Train Stations.
If you are in need of a mask, you can obtain one here.
Mask Mandate
On January 29, 2021 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a mandatory mask order on all modes of transportation including Public Transportation. The order went into effect on February 1, 2021 and requires the public to wear face masks while boarding, riding and waiting for public transit. The order emphasizes that the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads easily via respiratory droplets and that wearing masks prevent infected individuals from spreading the disease. The CDC’s Order focuses on transit because it brings people in close contact with one another.
American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Transit Mask Mandate Summary; President's Executive Order mandating mask wearing on all forms of transporation; CDC's Mask Mandate for Public Transportation.
Masks Required
One of GCRTA’s core values is providing customers and employees a safe riding environment. Therefore, GCRTA strongly encourages all riders to wear a face coverings when waiting for or riding our service to protect themselves and others. We have always considered this a shared responsibility, with our customers. This cooperative effort is needed now more than ever.
To assist riders who may not have a face covering or mask, they can obtain one from our Tower City Rotunda or from the Supervisor's Office at the Windermere Rapid Station.
As for the Ohio Health Departments recent order requiring the wearing of face coverings in public, including on public transit, GCRTA employees have be instructed not to confront customers who are not wearing a face covering. Nor will Transit Police intervene in these situations. This is in an effort to avoid possible confrontation.
If there are areas where a number of passengers consistently ride without a face covering, GCRTA’s community engagement staff will attempt to intercede through the distribution of complimentary face masks. If we are to successfully combat the outbreak of COVID-19 in our community, we must do this together. To protect yourself and others in public, please wear a face covering.
Our commitment is to operate a safe, reliable, clean, and courteous public transportation system. Now more than ever, we want to show you that our system is safe and clean. Here is how we are doing just that:
- High touch surfaces, such as seats, fare boxes, doors, hand rails, etc. on buses and trains, are cleaned every 24 hours with CDC recommended products.
- Service and Transit Police vehicles are cleaned between users, and again every 24 hours, with CDC recommended projects.
- Our facilities undergo enhanced cleaning and sanitizing several times a day.
- The MoonBeam3 (UV-C light) is used to disinfect sensitive equipment and K-9 vehicles reguarly. It is also utilized in response to any vehicle that is removed from service and requires immediate disinfecting.
- Use of electrostatic machines to clean high touch areas
Mask, Face Covering, Shields, and Barriers
- All employees are required to wear a mask or face covering when operating any vehicle, in a common area within a facility, or when interacting with riders or fellow co-workers.
- Plexiglass has been installed at the information desk at Tower City, around booth attendents, and the reception desk at our Main Office.
- Vinyl protective barriers or curtains that enclose the drivers have been installed on all buses.
- Plexi protective barriers are being installed on Fixed Route Buses.
Temperature Taking
- Employees are encouraged to take their temperatrues daily, and not report to work if they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
- Upon arrival at all GCRTA facilities, employees and visitors have their temperture taken. If an employees has a temperature fo 100.4 or higher, they are sent home and instructed to follow our protocol. If a vendor or other visitor tests higher than 100.4, they are not permited into the facility.
American Public Transportation Association’s Safety & Health Commitments Program
Greater Cleveland RTA (GCRTA) is committed to providing a safe and healthy riding experience for its riders. That is why we have implemented cleaning and disinfecting protocols as well as other safety measures to keep riders and staff safe. As a result of our commitment, GCRTA is participating in the American Public Transportation Associations (APTA) Health & Safety Commitments Program. This program was established to protect riders and employees in order for public transportation to continue delivering safe and valuable services to the communities they serve.
Get The Shot
Get more information on transportation options to get you to this or any other vaccination location.
Ohio Public Health Advisory
On October 15, 2020, Cuyahoga County was moved to a level 3 (red) Public Emergency status. We are at risk for exposure and spread of COVID-19 and must remain dilligent about wearing face coverings/mask. As a result, GCRTA strongly encourage all riders to wear a face covering when waiting for or riding our services to protect themselves and others. We consider this a shared responsibility, with our customers. To protect yourself and others in public, please wear a face covering.
Returning to Transit? Here is what you can do to stay healthy while riding.
- Utilize the RTA CLE app (available on Android and iPhone) for contactless payment of your fare. This will reduce the need to purchase passes from a Ticket Vending Machine or Customer Service.
- Wear face covering (covers your nose and mouth) when waiting or riding our service. A face covering is a sign of respect for your fellow riders, and the operator. By wearing it, you protect yourself in the event someone is sick and does not realize it. Additionally, if you are asymptomatic, you are aiding in the prevention of spreading to others.
- Do not touch your mask/face, and cover your coughs and/or sneezes with a tissue, or your sleeve. This will keep droplets from spreading in the air to others around you. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer when unable to use soap and water.
- Practice physical distancing, when possible, to reduce your risk of coming into contact with the virus.
Let's protect one another; with your help, and by following the above guidelines, we can all enjoy transit and all the Greater Cleveland area has to offer.
We know people have places to go, that is why we are making changes to operations.
March 4, 2022 - The ADA Customer Service Office at the Main Office Building has been re-opened to customers by appointment only. As of April 1, 2022, the office will be open to customers without appointments.
December 22, 2021 - Begining December 27, 2021, the GCRTA's Main Office Building will be closed to the public . Entry to the building will be for only employees and those who have scheduled appointments. The closure will continue until further notice. The Customer Service office that serves Americans with Disabilities (ADA) and other customers and is located at our Main Office Building, will also be closed. Any ADA or paratransit customer who needs assistance or who has questions about obtaining or renewing a RTA photo ID should call 216-566-5124 or 216-621-9500.
April 5, 2021 - The ADA Registration Office will re-open with normal hours wihch are Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Visitors will be required to bring a valid, non-expired photo ID.
November 25, 2020 - GCRTA's Main Office Building will be closed to the public begining at 5:00 pm. Entry to the building will be for only employees and those who have appointments scheduled. The closure will continue until further notice. Additionally, the ADA Registration office will also be closed. Instructions for new or renewal ID's will be found at Paratransit webpage, Senior riding page or Fixed Route Disability riding page.
August 9, 2020 - GCRTA is planning to change the service on a number of bus routes to improve peak frequencies and weekday accessibility. GCRTA is also re-instating service on three of its Park-n-Rides and its B-Line trolley. New timetables for bus and rail routes affected are available on our route pages, through the RTAnswerline (216) 621-9500, or can be picked up at the Tower City Station.
New timetables will be available on our online trip planner at rideRTA.com, through the RTAnswerline (216)-621-9500, or at the Tower City Station.
June 28, 2020 - The service change will offer improved peak frequencies and weekday accessibility. New timetables for bus and rail routes affected are available on our route pages, through the RTAnswerline (216) 621-9500, or can be picked up at the Tower City Station.
Need a Mask, Take a Mask Distribution
For riders who need a mask, they can obtain one from our Tower City Rotunda or from the Supervisor's Office at the Windermere Rapid Station. They may also ask thier Bus Operator for one as they may have a small supply - Note: they have liminted quantities and may run out.
The cloth masks Greater Cleveland RTA will be distributing were provided to us from the Department of Transportation (DOT) and FEMA. They have been working to outfit essential workers across the United States by donating 15.5 million cloth masks. Of that 15.5 million, 4.8 were allocated to public transit agencies. We thank DOT and FEMA for supplying us with masks to not only protect our employees, but our riders, as well.
Benefits of Wearing a Mask
Per the CDC, "masks are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice. This is called source control. This recommendation is based on what the CDC knows about the role respiratory droplets play in the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, paired with emerging evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that shows masks reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth. COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), so the use of masks is particularly important in settings where people are close to each other or where social distancing is difficult to maintain. CDC’s recommendations for masks will be updated as new scientific evidence becomes available."
Properly Wearing a Mask

We at Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) understand that this is an uncertain time and are working to maintain public transit to thousands of people who rely on us each day. Our commitment is to operate a safe, reliable, clean and courteous public transit system. We are monitoring all COVID-19 developments while providing bus, rail and paratransit services to riders who need to take essential trips.
CARES Act Grant
August 31, 2020
Total draw-downs on the CARES Act grant amount to $91.1 million leaving approximately $20.8 million in additional funding that can be drawn down. These funds are to mitigate the effect of the lost fare revenue, declines in sales tax revenue and increased costs incurred to fight the Corona virus. Additionally, the funds are being used to purchase materials to keep our staff and riders safe during this pandemic such as tablets that monitor employees' temperatures at each building, cleaning equipment that speeds up the cleaning process on all vehicles, and the purchase of thermometers for staff so they can self-monitor prior to coming to work.
These funds will help us in maintaining service and providing labor stability in these extremely uncertain times. The funds will also assist us to a certain extent in giving back to the community by implementing some of the recommendations of the concluded Service Redesign and the Fare Equity Studies
August 7, 2020
Total draw-downs on the CARES Act grant amount to $73.7 million leaving approximately $38 million in additional funding that can be drawn down. These funds are to mitigate the effect of the lost fare revenue, declines in Sales Tax revenue and increased costs incurred to fight the Corona virus.
We are now seeing the full effects of the lost sales tax revenue from March, April and May. Additionally, the funds are being used to purchase additional materials to keep our staff and riders safe during this pandemic. For example, tablets that will take employees temperatures at each building, cleaning equipment that speeds up the cleaning process on all vehicles, and the purchase of thermometers for staff so they can self-monitor prior to coming to work.
These funds will help us in maintaining service and providing labor stability in these extremely uncertain times that we foresee in the near future. The funds will also assist us to a certain extent in giving back to the community by implementing some of the recommendations of the concluded Service Redesign and the Fare Equity Studies.
Join GCRTA in the Fight to Stop the Spread of Infectious Diseases
GCRTA has taking the Coronavirus situation very seriously. We are working with state and local public health officials and we are closely following the CDC’s guidance to reduce the spread of Coronavirus as well as Governor DeWine's orders. In the Governor's daily press conferences, he continuously recommends wearing a face covering (covers mouth and nose) when out in public. GCRTA strongly encourages riders to wear a face covering when riding to protect themselves, our operators and other passengers.
The CDC, Ohio Health Department recommend the use of cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. You will also find guidance for making your own face covering (bottom of the page).
What GCRTA is doing to clean Bus, Rail, Stations and Paratransit
GCRTA has an enhanced cleaning protocol for all its buses, trains, paratransit and non-revenue vehicles that began on March 5. In response to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, GCRTA staff has been cleaning all touchable surfaces on board its vehicles with a cleaning agent recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) every 24 hours. This also includes non-revenue and Transit Police vehicles, all Transit Centers and all GCRTA public facilities, bus districts and office buildings.
Additionally, bus and rail operators and other staff have been provided with disinfectant wipes to clean their work areas routinely throughout the day.
What you can do to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus
We can all do our part to prevent the spread of germs. GCRTA is following the guidelines issued by the CDC, Ohio Health and Cleveland Health Departments as well as Governor DeWine that are applicable to this region. We applaud everyone who has adhered to the guidance of the CDC, Health Departments and our Governor. We’re asking customers to follow the preventative measures to product themselves, our operators, and others.
- Wear face covering (covers your nose and mouth) when out in public for your health and the health of others
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, and use hand sanitizer when available
- Practice physical distancing, when possible
- Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow or tissue
- Keep hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth
- If you have cold or flu symptoms, please stay at home to reduce the risk of spreading any illness
To adhere to the Governors orders, all GCRTA employees are required to wear a face covering while on GCRTA property or aboard any service vehicle. We are also asking all contractors to require thier employees to wear face coverings while on GCRTA propery or aboard any service vehicles.
Service Updates
RTA to temporarily reduce service on most routes beginning April 12
RTA Suspends Park-N-Ride and Trolley Service Until Further Notice
We at Greater Cleveland RTA understand that this is an uncertain time and are working to address the community’s questions. While we may not have all the answers at this time; however, we are working to answer questions as we receive them.
We thank you for your patience and understanding while we navigate this ever changing pandemic.
With the service change the Park-n-Ride service has returned as well as a modified E-line trolley. For more information, visit riderta.com/routes.
One of GCRTA’s core values is providing customers and employees a safe riding environment. Therefore, GCRTA strongly encourages all riders to wear a face coverings when waiting for or riding our service to protect themselves and others. We have always considered this a shared responsibility, with our customers. This cooperative effort is needed now more than ever.
To assist riders who may not have a face coverings, GCRTA began distributing complimentary face covering at a number of passenger facilities. Information on upcoming dates is available at riderta.com/coronavirus#masks.
As for the Ohio Health Departments recent order requiring the wearing of face coverings in public, including on public transit, GCRTA employees have be instructed not to confront customers who are not wearing a face covering. Nor will Transit Police intervene in these situations. This is in an effort to avoid possible confrontation.
If there are areas where a number of passengers consistently ride without a face covering, GCRTA’s community engagement staff will attempt to intercede through the distribution of complimentary face masks.
If we are to successfully combat the outbreak of COVID-19 in our community, we must do this together. To protect yourself and others in public, please wear a face covering.
GCRTA frontline personnel are required to wear them at this time. We have purchased personal protective equipment (PPE) and have been distributing them to our operators and staff.
The technology is called MoonBeam3 System and it uses UV-C rays to disinfect. It will used to clean high traffic/touch areas, in K-9 vehicles and rooms/areas with highly sensitive electronic equipment. It will also be used in response to an incident that requires a bus or train to be removed from service and disinfect immediately.
For more information on the MoonBeam3 system, you can visit https://www.facebook.com/diversey/videos/278247226154115/
We have ordered two MoonBeam3 systems and took delivery of one on 4/10/2020. The system has been used to disinfect several areas as part of training staff. It is now being used as part of our regular disinfecting process.
The second unit is on order and will ship in approximately six weeks. We will provide further details when the unit ships and goes into service.
To learn more about the MoonBeam3 visit our Blog Post MoonBeam3 Technology.
This is true, to date, 210 employees tested positive for COVID-19, and 204 fully recovered and returned to work.
In response to the Coronavirus and the Governors orders to increase physical distance, our Paratransit service is changing from a door-to-door service to a curb-to-curb service. This means our Paratransit drivers will still offer assistance to those who require/request assistance; however, those whom do not require/request assistance will not be assisted to their door.
No, this is not true. We have temporarily suspended service on our Park-n-Rides and Trolleys. Beginning April 12, 2020, we will be reducing bus and rail service by approximately 15% in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Communities and destinations currently served by RTA will continue to have service; however, at a reduced frequency.
Gov. DeWine has mobilized them to assist with humanitarian needs. They will be assisting in the distribution of food in various communities.
Yes, the W 6th Street building is closed to the public. Entry to the building will be for employees or those who have business with GCRTA.
This is an uncertain time and we don’t know what will happen; however, we will continue to update employees as information becomes available. As a result of the latest announcement, GCRTA has adjusted service to its Park-n-Ride and downtown Trolley Services. We continue to monitor our ridership and may need to temporarily suspend service accordingly.
The GCRTA is asking outside individuals to self-check their temperatures before they arrive. GCRTA will test vendors/contractors if they arrive when we are performing scans of employees.
The GCRTA is asking all employees to check their temperatures before they report to their work shifts. If an employee has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, they should not report to work and properly advise their supervisor of their absence in accordance with proper call-in procedures.
The GCRTA has ordered no touch forehead temperature scanners (i.e. thermometers) so we may check as much of the workforce as we can. The GCRTA hopes to have these thermometers prior to the end of March. Temperature testing will primarily occur during regular business hours at each of the GCRTA main work facilities. If an employee’s temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher the employee will be sent home immediately.
Employees on other work shifts or making reliefs on the road should still check their temperatures before reporting to work and abide by the instructions noted above.
- Use the RTA CLE app (available on Android and iPhone) for contactless payment of your fare. This will reduce the need to purchase passes from the Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) or Customer Service.
- Wear a face covering that covers your mouth and nose.
- Maintain physical distance, when possible.
- Limit conversations with the operator. If you must speak with the operator, please stay behind the yellow line.
- Exit from the rear of the vehicle.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and use hand sanitizer when available.
Begining on August 9, 2020 the E-Line Trolley will operate on a modified route to service the downtown area. For more information, visit riderta.com/routes
Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020, GCRTA will be suspending service due to low ridership as a result of the Governor’s “Stay at Home” order for Ohioans. GCRTA will resume service at the appropriate time after the Governor lifts the order. Customers may use the rapid as an alternate route for service to Downtown. GCRTA suggests customers use the ample free parking available at the following Red Line stations:
- Strongsville Park-n-Ride: use the Brookpark or Puritas Station
- Westlake Park-n-Ride: use the Triskett Station, just off I-90
- North Olmsted Park-n-Ride: use the Brookpark or Puritas Station
Customers must show proof of payment when they exit at Tower City Station.
The “Stay at Home FAQ’s” are located https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home/stay-at-home-information/stay-at-home-order-frequently-asked-questions
Yes, GCRTA is classified as an Essential Critical Infrastructure and will continue to operate service.
More information on the order is located, essential critical are outlined in paragraph #9 https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/DirectorsOrderStayAtHome.pdf.
Per GCRTA procedures, we do not issue refunds of passes. We urge customers to hold onto their passes until notified by GCRTA with further instructions. Please understand that any passes mailed to GCRTA for refund will not be granted and returned to the sender.
The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) has an enhanced cleaning protocol for all its buses, trains, paratransit and non-revenue vehicles that began on March 5. In response to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, GCRTA staff are cleaning all touchable surfaces on board its vehicles with a cleaning agent recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) every 24 hours. This also includes non-revenue and Transit Police vehicles, all Transit Centers and all GCRTA public facilities, bus districts and office buildings.
Instead of an GCRTA Senior ID Card, riders can use:
- non-expired state issued photo ID
- Medicare Card
- Veterans ID (must be service connected)
Paratransit Applications are available online at RideRta.com. Customer can submit application to be processed via fax, email or drop box/Tower City
- Application is processed
- ADA Paratransit ID card is issued to customer without a picture
- ADA Paratransit ID will state “TEMPORARY” instead of expiration date
- Customer will be instructed to use a state issued non-expired PHOTO ID with ADA PARATRANSIT CARD
- ADA Paratransit ID card is mailed with the eligibility letter
- Customer submits application to be processed via fax, email or drop box/Tower City
- Application is processed
- Eligibility letter will be mailed to notify customer
- Customer will be contacted to schedule and appointment to obtain ID card
- Customer submits application to be process via fax, email or drop box/Tower City
- Application is processed
- Fixed Route Disability card is issued to customer without a picture
- Fixed Route Disability card will state “TEMPORARY” instead of expiration date
- Fixed Route Disability card is mailed with the eligibility letter
- Customer will be instructed to use a state issued non-expired photo ID with green card
- $5.00 fee will be waived until “PERMANENT” card is issued
- Customer submits application to be processed via fax, email or drop box/Tower City
- Application is processed
- Eligibility letter will be mailed to notify customer
- Customer will be instructed to use expired FIXED ROUTE DISABILITY card through May 31, 2020
- $5.00 fee will be waived until “PERMANENT” card is issued
Yes they can during the same periods of time on “school days”.
No, GCRTA will not be offering free fares.
Yes, until further notice the hours are 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays (excluding holidays).
RTA is monitoring the following Coronavirus-specific resources, which provide important information and situation updates on the outbreak:
Ohio COVID-19 Testing Centers
COVID-19 Vaccine Locations
Holiday Celebrations
World Health Organization
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC Recommendation to wear face covering
CDC Travel Information
CISA Guidance on the essential critical infrastructure workforce
Ohio Department of Health (ODH Coronavirus Telephone Hotline: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634))
Cuyahoga County Board of Health
Cleveland Department of Public Health
Whitehouse.gov Coronavirus Guidelines for America
MetroHealth Helping Hands Fund
MetroHealth COVID-19 hotline 440-59COVID (440-592-6849)
Cleveland Clinic COVID-19 hotline 855-697-3750 or 216-442-0375
COVID CareLine offers emotional and mental health services to Ohioians 1-800-720-9616
Customers who are facing hardships should call customer service at their utility company at the following numbers:
- Ohio Edison 1-800-633-4766
- The Illuminating Company 1-800-589-3101
- Toledo Edison 1-800-447-3333
- Met-Ed 1-800-545-7741
- Penelec 1-800-545-7741
- Penn Power 1-800-720-3600
- West Penn Power 1-800-686-0021
- Jersey Central Power & Light 1-800-662-3115
- Mon Power 1-800-868-0022
- Potomac Edison 1-800-686-0011
Media Coverage
RTA COVID-19 Update - Monday, July 27, 2020
RTA COVID-19 Update - July 15, 2020
RTA Park-N-Ride and Trolley Service restored with August 9 Service Change
RTA COVID-19 Update – Thursday, July 9, 2020
RTA COVID-19 Update - June 30, 2020
RTA COVID-19 Update - June 26, 2020
RTA distributing masks to riders beginning today
COVID-19 RTA Update - June 24, 2020
Transit Police Collaborative Initiative Helps the Homeless during COVID-19
RTA COVID-19 Update - June 8, 2020
RTA Statement Regarding CDC’s Return-to-Work Guidelines
RTA COVID-19 Update - May 22, 2020
Three Additional RTA Employees Test Positive for COVID-19
RTA Installs Vinyl Protective Barriers Between Operators and Customers
COVID-19 RTA Update – Monday, May 4, 2020
Transit Authorities Across the Country Salute Essential Workers
Coronavirus Update - April 15, 2020
CARES Act includes $25 Billion of Public Transit COVID-19 Funding
Additional RTA staff member tests positive for COVID-19
Statement from India Birdsong, General Manager and CEO
Coronavirus Update - April 5, 2020
RTA driver tests positive for COVID-19
RTA to temporarily reduce service on most routes beginning April 12
RTA to begin using UV-C technology as part of its cleaning protocol
RTA offers customers physical distancing guidelines while on board
RTA Suspends Park-N-Ride and Trolley Service Until Further Notice
Two RTA Employees Test Negative for COVID-19; Third has no symptoms but remains under quarantine
Three RTA Employees Undergo Testing for Coronavirus; All under Quarantine
RTA Announces Temporary Administrative Changes for COVID-19 Prevention
RTA Allocating Additional Resources to Clean Trains Every 24 hours
RTA Rolling Out Vehicle Disinfecting Program