Beginning Monday, May 23, 2022 until further notice, the #55B and #55C will be on reroute due to Sperry Dr. construction
During that time, the following reroutes will be in effect:
#55B: Cleveland State Line
Eastbound: Regular route to Columbia and Westlake Park-N-Ride Dr., (look for route arrows and RTA street sign), left on Park-N-Ride Dr., left at stop sign by the comfort station, continue clockwise around exterior through the parking lot, left on Park-N-Ride Dr., right on Columbia returning to regular route.
Westbound: Regular route to Columbia and Westlake Park-N-Ride Dr. (look for route arrows and RTA street sign), left on Park-N-Ride Dr. left at stop sign by the comfort station, continue clockwise around exterior through the parking lot, left on Park-N-Ride Dr., right on Columbia returning to regular route.
#55C: Cleveland State Line
Eastbound: Regular route to Columbia and Sperry, continue Columbia, right on Westlake Park-N-Ride Dr. (look for route arrows and RTA street sign), left at stop sign by the comfort station continue clockwise around exterior through the parking lot, left on Park-N-Ride Dr., left on Columbia returning to regular route.
Westbound: Regular route to Columbia and Sperry, continue Columbia, right on Westlake Park-N-Ride Dr. (look for route arrows and RTA street sign), left at stop sign by the comfort station continue+ clockwise around exterior through the parking lot, left on Park-N-Ride Dr., left on Columbia returning to regular route.
RTA regrets any inconvenience to its customers during this time.